Our Team

Our Leaders
Woldeamanuel Abiye,
Country Representative
Woldeamanuel is highly involved in many civic-minded activities to help his rural community development. As the Country Representative of h2 Empower he organized all relations with the town government, education bureau, and school and parent community. He supervised the construction of the library which was a complex task. He has monitored all of the projects we undertook, checking for the use of funds and accomplishments of agreed goals. He is supervising the library staff and provides regular reports on Hosanna. Woldeamanuel has managed much of the continuous on-site work of H2 Empower in Ethiopia; our efforts would stumble without him.
In addition, Woldeamanuel has been a leader and elected official to expand development and improve the quality of life for the residents of Hossana. He was president of the Hossana Town Chamber of Commerce and Industry, then Vice President of the Southern Nations Nationality People's Region State Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He was then elected to be a board member of the National Ethiopia Chamber of Commerce and Industry where he traveled throughout Ethiopia and internationally to countries like India, South Africa, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and South Sudan to expand business development in Ethiopia. Ten years ago, Hossana had no asphalt roads. Woldeamanuel then became Chairman of Hossana Town Arterial Asphalt Road Construction, which brought asphalt and cobblestone roads throughout the town. He is a board member of the Hadiya Nation Development Association and of Hosanna Town Water and Sewerage Service Office. H2 Empower is very proud and grateful for all of his service to the people of Ethiopia.
Mamo Mengesha
Technical Consultant
Mamo provides expert guidance related to our work in Ethiopia, advising us in effective strategies, and ensuring culturally appropriate actions and understanding. He has extensive experience in all aspects of Ethiopian society, especially in education where he has been an educator and has been in leadership roles in the Ministry of Education and as the Country Representative of the International Foundation of Education and Self-Help. Mamo has always been available to guide, strategize, and help H2Empower understand the Ethiopian context and the Ethiopian education system. His wisdom and commitment to the educational development of his country has been invaluable in our work in Ethiopia.
Fulgence Ndagijimana
Country Representative of Burundi
Fulgence Ndagijimana has been involved in many development projects in Burundi with different international and local organizations. He specifically worked for C.O.R.D (Christian Outreach Relief and Development) on several community development projects in the areas of education, housing, agriculture and settling refugees (returnees) coming back home from Tanzania. Fulgence Ndagijimana has also founded the Dutabare Foundation that supports education and livelihoods of youth and women. Through his work, Fulgence Ndagijimana has traveled extensively and has spoken in many countries in Africa, Europe and North America.
As H2 Empower’s Country Representative in Burundi, Fulgence Ndagijimana receives requests for scholarships and other programs. He talks to potential beneficiaries about their grades, their family situation, and their passion for helping others. He then liaises with the head office about the recommendations for awarding scholarships according to funds available. Fulgence notifies students to be funded and ensures the funds are paid to Universities. He arranges follow ups with students and checks how students are doing, drafting periodic reports. Under his leadership, proper documentation is kept for all students supported by h2 Empower. Thanks to his passionate desire to serve, we value his contribution to the development of Burundi and to our work there.

Board Of Directors
Andre Boxwill
President of the Board of Directors
Andre serves as President of h² Empower Inc. having visited Ethiopia three times, teaching athletics, and inaugurating sustainable development projects. As a graduate of the Friend’s World Program of Long Island University, Andre has studied, traveled and conducted community development projects throughout the Caribbean, Central America and Ethiopia, while working to obtain his BA in Social Science specializing in Sustainable Community Development.
Working for the Community Development Corporation of Long Island as a Housing Educator and Financial Coach; Andre relays his passion for helping others to increase their financial capability and awareness, setting & obtaining financial goals, and accomplishing the dream of obtaining affordable home ownership.
Why I am in this: I am passionately involved in the developmental work of h2 Empower with the goal to uplift and empower children and communities where we work by engaging in community lead projects regarding sustainability, agriculture and education.
What you don’t know about me: I love experimenting with alternative agricultural methods in my garden and in the work I do internationally.
Hope McGrath
Treasurer of the Board of Directors
Hope McGrath is a Certified Professional Coach and entrepreneur. Throughout her career, she spearheaded a fashion production company handling public relations with show and event production. As a professional coach, she enjoys working with private clients and corporate executives in addition to facilitating workshops and curating international wellness retreats.
Why I’m in this: As a Founding board member of H2 Empower, Hope has found incredible fulfillment in supporting her mother’s passion to improve education and enhance the lives of children and their families in Ethiopia and Burundi. Hope takes social activism seriously, as being raised by a lifelong activist, those values of striving to make the world a better place have been deeply ingrained.
What you don’t know about me: I’m a Brooklyn mom who loves fashion, art and music with two cats and a Pomeranian.
Helen Boxwill
Executive Director
As an educator for 30 years, Helen Boxwill has taught kindergarten through high school, been a Director of Language Arts, a Principal, and Coordinator of a family literacy program. She spent two years working full-time in Ethiopia and has been going there every year since 2003, except during the pandemic. She trained teachers, librarians, school administrators and officials in the education department. Helen worked with female students and local teachers to set up a library system in the town of 150,000, winning the Teacher of the Year Award in 2003 from her sponsoring agency, the International Foundation for Education and Self Help. She sent 95,000 books to schools throughout Ethiopia to 9 colleges, 45 primary schools, 25 secondary schools, 8 private schools, three town libraries and a hospital library. Helen Boxwill organized building classrooms, bringing water into school compounds, and supplying classroom furniture and lighting. Helen worked in the Ethiopia Ministry of Education as the Early Grade Reading Consultant in 2012-2013 helping to develop a new national syllabus and new Student Books and Teacher Guides for mother tongue in 7 languages. Helen dedicated herself to improving education in Ethiopia and supporting students in Burundi to make a difference in people's lives.
Why I’m in this: Once I visited Ethiopia and saw the classrooms, teachers, and children, I felt committed to work with them to improve educational opportunities. The children have amazing potential. They can achieve great things with some support and resources. While living in Hosanna and witnessing the challenges and great possibilities, I committed myself to try my best to improve the quality of education and provide resources to support success.
What you don’t know about me: I love to play the African drum, the Djembe, and all types of music.
Susan Baum
Secretary of the Board of Directors
Education was always Susan’s passion, and not surprisingly she built her career around teaching elementary school, middle school social studies, educational consulting and curriculum development. She started a company over 40 years ago to support teachers in the very important job of curriculum selection, working with teachers and administrators to find the right fit for their students’ growth. In 2020 Susan stepped down as CEO in Baum & Beaulieu Associates, and is now able to concentrate on a more active involvement in h2 Empower where she has been a board member. Susan is looking forward to continuing to work with teachers to become the best they can be while fostering the love of learning among their students.
Why I’m in this: I feel we are all global citizens and as such, need to think not only locally and nationally but also beyond our borders, broaden our horizons to see how this mysterious puzzle of life can make the world a better, more welcoming and environmentally friendly place for all of us to live in harmony. Helen, the director of h2 Empower, and I connected after many years. I went on a volunteer/tourism trip she had planned and was moved and touched by the work she had been doing in Ethiopia. From that moment on, I knew that this important work was in my future. Ethiopia, the land and her people now have my heart!
What you don’t know about me: I have a story for every occasion. I’m not sure if that makes me interesting or “experienced”.
Kelly Bodkin
Board Member at Large
Kelly Bodkin is a special education teacher who has taught in New York City, Addis Ababa Ethiopia, Washington and Wyoming. Kelly lived in Ethiopia for four years, two of which were spent volunteering for IFESH (International Foundation for Education and Self Help) at the Special Education Teacher Training College in Sebeta. Kelly believes that education has the power to change the world and how one sees it.
Why I am in this: My time in Ethiopia changed the way I see the world and how I interact with it. It is through h2 Empower that I remain dedicated and connected to promoting awareness of education in Ethiopia and Burundi. My work with h2 Empower helps me stay connected to a piece of myself and the continent I love.
What you don’t know about me: I had a beautiful garden in Ethiopia including lettuce, onions and zucchini, but I have not been able to replicate that gardening success in the USA!
Daniel Calise
Board Member at Large
Being in the labor movement since the late 80's, working first with a grocery union then working all of his career now in healthcare, has instilled in Daniel passion, purpose and the drive to fight for the rights of others. He has seen that developing and empowering leaders from within to support, grow and move the healthcare industry and profession forward all while strengthening the collective voice of organized labor can be transferred to his work in Africa..
Daniel is a community activist and leader, rising through the chairs to District Deputy KOC, Grand Knight, at Our Lady of the Rosary Council #4428, Knights of Columbus, CEO Brumidi Catering Co. Inc./Brumidi Home Lodge, Co., President of Constantino Brumidi Lodge #2211, Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America, the Charter Organization Representative for the Troop #157, Pack #157 Boy Scouts of America. He has raised thousands of dollars for HIV/AIDS, Post-911 wounded veterans, cancer, autism, etc. He sponsored DASA (Dignity for ALL Students), anti-bullying in schools' legislation at the State and County level. He has gone on multiple volunteer trips to Ethiopia, Burundi and Ukraine (during war).
Why I‘m in this: While studying and discerning with the Fathers and Brothers at Maryknoll Society Center's Seminary in Ossining, New York, to see if the priesthood was actually being called upon me, I verbalized that I'd like to work in Africa. Many years later Ethiopia called to me and fate was set in stone. In 2010, while working in Addis Ababa on an orphanage rehabilitation project, I was introduced to Helen Boxwill and h2Empower and a lifelong friendship and partnership was built. If my small contribution can improve, promote and better the lives and future of a Beautiful people with such a rich culture then I believe that is my calling. I believe that I am Ethiopian at heart not just a Ferenji (foreigner), in Solidarity.
What you don’t know about me: I can be very quiet, this does not mean something is wrong or upsetting. I like the quiet time to listen and observe others. Being "quiet" does not mean I have nothing to contribute or say, if needed I can and will be very vocal, especially if I see injustice or inequality. We all have the ability to make a difference in our families, our community, and the world.
Austin May
Board Member at large
Austin first met Helen when he was a Peace Corps volunteer serving in Hosanna. Over his two years of service, Austin worked primarily as a high school teacher at Yekatit 22 Secondary School. He also taught Computers at a school for the deaf, trained teachers across several subjects including civics curricula and student-centered learning, organized permaculture gardens, and led gender empowerment camps for high schoolers.
Austin finished service in late 2016 whereupon he immediately began working with h² Empower to set up and manage social media, organize book drives, fund a school well project in Hossana, and provide contextual guidance for Hadiya Zone programs. He has a Master’s in Public Policy from Georgetown University, serves as a civil affairs officer in the US Army, and lives in DC. He joined the board in 2019.
Why I am in this: Basic equity, where every child no matter the particulars of their birth has a fair chance at health and happiness, is a long way off. But we get closer to it each day by developing the inaccessible, feeding the malnourished, and giving of ourselves to shape a better world. That’s the kind of future I’m making.
What you don’t know about me: I once spent a week hiking through the Simien Mountains in northern Ethiopia, stumbled into a roving troop of gelada baboons, and may or may not have been adopted by them.
Todd Schlitt
Board Member at Large
Todd Schlitt is a Public Librarian with more than thirteen years of professional public service, experienced in all aspects of librarianship, multimedia technology, and public service including international librarian work. A previous small business owner who focuses on customer service with a love for cooking, travel, spending time with his three children, and experiencing new things.
Why I am in this: I feel it is the responsibility of every person to help the less fortunate regardless of where they live, what they do, or who they are.
What you don’t know about me: I'm allergic to morphine which has really made some painful situations a lot worse!
Christopher Rivera PMP, PMI-PBA,
Senior Financial Accountant
Christopher is a generous and professional supporter who supervises our accounting, advising us on best practices, and maintains all our financial records to the highest quality. We have had an external audit and we were deemed to be in excellent compliance meeting all requirements. Christopher advises us in all financial matters sharing his knowledge and competence.
Advisory Board
Mary Beth Guyther
Mamo Mengesha
Flor Calero